Strawberry Banana Ice Cream


This ice cream recipe is super suitable for the hot days: vegan, nutritious and refreshing!! It is  only made with fruit – no added sugar – and the result reminds of an Italian gelato. Easy to prepare as well, as  you won’t need to have an ice cream maker machine, only a mixer or blender.

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It is evening, you return from a long day at work, the gym, the supermarket and you are done with the obligations of the day. You sit on your balcony, you call your friends, press the play button on your favorite music and rest. But something is missing… There’s no such thing as friendly gathering without refreshing cocktails, and summer is definitely the perfect season to enjoy them!!  And what’s great about it, is that you can easily prepare them at home, and cool the warm nights on the terrace with your beloved ones.

Continue reading “COOL MASON JAR DRINKS”

Beat the Heat with Delicious Cold Fruit Soups

chilled-raspberry-soup-recipe-00A steaming hot soup can be especially repulsive when the temperature begins to rise, but the cold soups is a different and very tasty thing. Cool, refreshing, colourful and loaded with seasonal fruits and vegetables, is a perfect way to beat the heat. See them, in a different way …now that we’ve made the most beautiful ice bowls let’s fill them with the most flavoured chilled fruit soups!! Can you think of anything better? ❤

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