
keep-calm-no-milk-today …About time to write the “About” thing…  🙂

Things are as simple as this…

I always loved cooking…

Two years ago we had to go dairy free because my little one was found to have allergy to casein. We also had to go egg-free for about eight months (I hated that part actually) and one month gluten-free, just in case…

Today, we just avoid dairy and traces, and I found out that my family doesn’t have to miss a thing. There are so many alternative ingredients and recipes that even our guests can’t tell the difference… 🙂

So, I thought it would be a good idea to keep somewhere all these recipes I have written here and there… And then, I discovered something more…

I just love blogging… 😀

So-so happy to getting to knowing you all!!!  ❤

Kati Simone

52 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there Newbie Spikey!
    (for your info, a Spikey is the term for folk who are part of the clan known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    I wanted to catch up and say “thank you… I really appreciate your ‘follow’ as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.”

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m new around these parts, and so it’s great to see friendly faces. My partner and I are working to decrease the dairy and gluten in our home cooking, so I’m interested in checking out more of your work! Thanks again, and have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Kati,
    thanks so much for following my blog – I’m delighted to have found yours!! I’m always on the look-out for new ideas, and gluten and dairy free recipes are great for me right now! keep on blogging!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Follow back from me. Love the concept of your blog. I have changed my diet recently to good effect and I’m also like – ‘wow what was I even doing before?’ Keep up the good work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your site is great and I like the recipes. I always love a good new recipe, so will follow you for sure! Thank you also for visiting my blog and for following me. Happy blogging 🙂 Eco-mummy

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for stopping by by blog about the ST Louis 250 celebration and the cakes. Glad you liked it.
    I’m looking forward to following you too — we haven’t cut out dairy totally but don’t use much. Vivienne

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks so much for your like on my site. I had to go this dietary route with my oldest daughter … 35 years ago! Wish I had a resource like this for support!


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