Watermelon Mojito


Servings: For 6 cocktail, Preparation time: 10 ‘


  • Half a watermelon, seed discarded and diced,
  • 6 parts rum,
  • 1/2 bunch mint & 1/2 bunch for decoration,
  • 3 tablespoons sugar,
  • 8-10 Limes,
  • 20 ice cubes.

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It is evening, you return from a long day at work, the gym, the supermarket and you are done with the obligations of the day. You sit on your balcony, you call your friends, press the play button on your favorite music and rest. But something is missing… There’s no such thing as friendly gathering without refreshing cocktails, and summer is definitely the perfect season to enjoy them!!  And what’s great about it, is that you can easily prepare them at home, and cool the warm nights on the terrace with your beloved ones.

Continue reading “COOL MASON JAR DRINKS”

One Smoothie For Each Day: 8 Easy Recipes that You will Adore!


There is nothing more refreshing and healthy for those hot days than a delicious smoothie, which will provide you the necessary vitamins, boost your immune system, without the risk of unnecessary calories. I chose eight different smoothies,  so experiment to find the ones that suit you, and make each day have its own distinct flavor.

Continue reading “One Smoothie For Each Day: 8 Easy Recipes that You will Adore!”