Tangzhong Brioche

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This brioche must be the best!! Something between a bread and a vegan cake!! Great breakfast option,  thanks to an amazing method came straight from Asia: Zhong Tang.
In fact,it’s a simple mixture of flour and water, heated and allowed to stand for several hours. This method lets gluten  develop and thus bread or buns rise dramatically.

Just spread with jam and breakfast is served. If you want more a bun sensation, increase the amount of sugar.

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Wonderful Carpaccio Dishes

Carpaccio is a known Italian dish of raw meat or fish: beef, salmon or tuna.
It was invented at the 50s in a bar in Venice, named Harry’s Bar. When Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo stayed there, she informed the owner that her doctors recommended her to eat only raw meat!  So Giuseppe Cipriani – the owner of the bar – created a dish for her, made with very thin slices of raw beef and French Dijon mustard.
As for the name of the dish,  it was inspired by the Venetian painter Vittore Carpaccio, as the colors of the dishes are reminiscent of those used by the painter in his works!!

Today’s carpaccio is not only for the meat lovers!! It is also used for any preparation made with thinly sliced  vegetables (usually seasoned with lemon, or vinegar, olive oil, salt and ground pepper) or fruit!!


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