Tangzhong Brioche

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This brioche must be the best!! Something between a bread and a vegan cake!! Great breakfast option,  thanks to an amazing method came straight from Asia: Zhong Tang.
In fact,it’s a simple mixture of flour and water, heated and allowed to stand for several hours. This method lets gluten  develop and thus bread or buns rise dramatically.

Just spread with jam and breakfast is served. If you want more a bun sensation, increase the amount of sugar.

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Beat the Heat with Delicious Cold Fruit Soups

chilled-raspberry-soup-recipe-00A steaming hot soup can be especially repulsive when the temperature begins to rise, but the cold soups is a different and very tasty thing. Cool, refreshing, colourful and loaded with seasonal fruits and vegetables, is a perfect way to beat the heat. See them, in a different way …now that we’ve made the most beautiful ice bowls let’s fill them with the most flavoured chilled fruit soups!! Can you think of anything better? ❤

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